Thursday, April 30, 2020

Social Status in Rome

The Romans main social classes consisted of the Plebeians and the Patricians. The plebeians were the common people in Rome. They were the larger group out of the two. These people had regular jobs and they also did not have as much power compared to the wealthy class. Common jobs for plebeians were farmers, artisans, and merchants. The patricians were the wealthy class. These people had the most power in Rome . They were the land owners and royalty in Rome. This is very similar to how it was in Greece at the time. Greece had the common people who had little power in the beginning, but over time they were treated more equally to Aristocrats. Aristocrats were the wealthy land owners who held the most power. These classes are almost exactly alike. The two classes are split by wealthy and landownership. The majority of the population falls under the common people. The common people are not given as much power in society as the wealthy are.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rome Definitions

  • Republic - A type of government where citizens held most power. They had the right to vote for their leaders.
  • Patrician - The wealthy landowners who held the most power. The highest class at this time. 
  • Plebeian- The common people in Rome. Most plebeians were farmers, artisans, and merchants.
  • Tribune- Representatives elected by plebeians at an assembly who protected the rights of the plebeians from unfair acts of patrician rulers. They gave a voice and justice for the common people. 
  • Consul- Officials or rulers whose power was limited to command the army and direct the government.
  • Senate-The legislative and administrative functions in the republic.They were 300 wealthy aristocrats chosen by the citizens. They had great influence on foreign and domestic policy. 
  • Dictator- A leader who gad absolute power to make laws and command the army. They had a short span of time in power. They were chosen by the consuls and then elected by senate. 
  • Legion- Large organized military units of Roman soldiers.

  • Punic Wars- A long war fought in 246BC against Rome and Carthage

  • Hannibal- A young, strong leader who was a Carthaginian general. He was very strong with his military and he wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Potential Essay Questions

 For a five-paragraph essay, the main topic could be about the major tyrants of Ancient Greece. The first paragraph can describe what a tyrant’s role is in that society, to be a powerful leader who seizes power by appealing to the common people support. Describe how tyrants impacted the Greek society and their importance. The second paragraph can be about Draco. This paragraph can describe his ruling during 621BCE and his strict rules or laws: all Athenians ae equal under law, death is most common punishment for crimes, debt slavery is allowed. The third paragraph would be about the next tyrant Solon(594BCE) who brought reforms, which included; outlawing debt slavery, all Athenian citizens can speak at the assembly, and any citizen can press charges against wrongdoers. The fourth paragraph can be about Cleisthenes from 500BCE. Cleisthenes brought some of the most changes to Ancient Greece since he brought the first ever democracy. Some of his reforms included; All citizens could submit laws for debate at the assembly, created Council of Five Hundred( almost like a jury system by having members at random to meet and consider laws), and only free adult male property owners born in Athens were considered to be a citizen, and women, slaves, and “foreigners” aren’t citizens . The fifth paragraph is the conclusion to what a tyrant is and their impact on Greece.  

Monday, April 20, 2020

Five Questions for a Test

Here are five potential questions for our test.

Which of the following is not a type of Greek drama?
A.) Tragedy
B.) Romance
C.) Comedy

Which of the following was a group of strong, warlike people, who had one of the strongest infantries?
A.) Athenians
B.) Phalanx
C.) Spartans
D.) Zeus

Match the God/Goddess to their ruling:
1.Poseidon        2.Wisdom, skill, and warfare
2.Athena           4.Music, arts,healing (Sun) 
3.Zeus               5.Love, beauty, desire
4.Apollo           1.The Sea, rivers, floods
5. Aphrodite     3. Sky, thunder, law, order

Which one of the following philosophers taught Alexander the Great?
A.) Aristotle
B.) King Phillip II
C.) Socrates
D.) Plato

Which of the following were tyrants in Ancient Greece?
A.) Solon
C.) Draco
D.) All of the above

Friday, April 17, 2020

Platos Best and Worst Ideas Video

1.) Plato defines The Forms as the ideal versions and concepts of ideas of the things around us. These are main concepts in  life that often have a higher potential that has not been reached yet. These Forms are the fullest version of the potential in ideas of life. Plato promoted that people strive to get the fullest versions of the ideas and concepts.
2.) Three groups in Plato's ideal society were like three social classes. There were the producers, the military, and the rulers. These were supposedly the three major groups within Plato's idea. 
3.) Plato's thoughts on women were sometimes inconsistent. Some of his ideas that women were equal in the sense that they should be able to have part in ruling the society, but he also compared women to children.  Another bad idea from Plato was about the womb within a women. He had said that a womb is like a live-animal that moves around within women. It makes that sound bad or even embarrassing to women.
4.) The Noble Lie that Plato proposed was that we are all born with either gold, silver, or a mixture of brass and iron. These composure's determined a persons role in life. This almost sounds like a Caste system. The things that a person is born with determines their role or life in terms of society standards.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Bucephalus Poem

Here is my best attempt at writing a poem. I am not the best with poetry. I am not sure if it was close to being good, but I did try my best;
He was a mighty horse with coarse hair
I had never seen a horse so rare
Alexander was the only one who could care for Bucephalus
We could get close if he'd let us
He would ride into battle with Alexander in the saddle
Alexander was the source of this loyal horse
Alexander was the only one he loved
Bucephalus would follows Alexanders lead
He had the strength and speed
That would be all he'd need.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Architecture in Athens

The Acropolis Of Athens: A Golden Age Legacy | Ancient Origins

Young, Sarah P. “The Acropolis Of Athens: A Golden Age Legacy.” Ancient Origins, Ancient Origins, 19 Mar. 2020,
This first image is of a Greek Acropolis. An acropolis is a building set on top of a hill. I think these are beautiful and I would love to be visit. I love the view looking over the hill and the way the sun hits the building. Most buildings are built for the Gods and Goddesses and I think that is why they would build these on top of great hills. These temple structures also are full of columns which is one thing I adore.

Nerenberg, Ira, and David Porter. “Visiting The Parthenon: Athens, Greece.” The Roaming Boomers, 29 July 2017,

This is an image of the Parthenon in Athens. This building was for Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War. This was also an acropolis. These temples are massive and were originally made with limestone and marble, the best for the Gods and Goddesses. I love the Greek architecture because it is filled with old ruins and temples made for higher beings. I love the looks of the columns in all buildings and even the buildings that had fallen apart. The buildings resemble and fit each other without being the same. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Theaters in Greece

1. In ancient Greece, plays were first done as a source of entertainment originating in Athens. This was a sign of both civic pride and a tribute to the gods. There are three kinds of theater performances. The first kind of drama was tragedy. This type of drama was serious and had main topics of love, war, hate, or betrayal. These often had main heroes with an advantage of some sort, but a flaw in character often brought them down. One famous writer of these plays was a man named Aeschylus. The opposite if those dramas would be the comedy. These would feature "slapstick situations and crude humor"(136). These would often make fun of politics and respected people or ideas. Aritophanes wrote the first comedy drama. The fact that people were allowed to make fun of Athens at the time gave an idea to how freely they were allowed to speak within their democracy at the time. The final creative thing done was the writings of epics to account for history. Herodotus was famous for his accurate reporting of then current events in Athens such as during the Persian War. Other writers like Homer wrote of epics and great stories at the time which were unsure to be real or not. Thucydides was one of the best historians to tell of political events that helped future historians know about those times.  
2. A movie I had watched recently "Titanic". This reminded me of a Greek tragedy drama. This movie has love between two main character, Jack and Rose. There is hate between Jack and Roses' fiancee, and there is a disaster of the boat sinking, killing many people. This movie has a serious story line and serious topics within it. There was even a flaw in one of the major characters, Roses' fiancee, where he was too cocky with his wealth and power that he Rose had left him for Jack. All of these things remind me of a Greek tragedy drama. 
The Acoustics of Ancient Greek Theaters Aren't What They Used to ...Katz, Brigit. “The Acoustics of Ancient Greek Theaters Aren't What They Used to Be.”, Smithsonian Institution, 24 Oct. 2017,

This is a Greek theater. It seems like a large circle that have seating all around the stadium. At the bottom is a flat spot where the performance occurs. This is pretty much the same as current theaters, other than the fact that the Greek theaters are outside and are built from concrete. Modern theaters are most often inside built to boost performance qualities like sound and lighting as well as comfort for the audience.