Friday, April 3, 2020

Architecture in Athens

The Acropolis Of Athens: A Golden Age Legacy | Ancient Origins

Young, Sarah P. “The Acropolis Of Athens: A Golden Age Legacy.” Ancient Origins, Ancient Origins, 19 Mar. 2020,
This first image is of a Greek Acropolis. An acropolis is a building set on top of a hill. I think these are beautiful and I would love to be visit. I love the view looking over the hill and the way the sun hits the building. Most buildings are built for the Gods and Goddesses and I think that is why they would build these on top of great hills. These temple structures also are full of columns which is one thing I adore.

Nerenberg, Ira, and David Porter. “Visiting The Parthenon: Athens, Greece.” The Roaming Boomers, 29 July 2017,

This is an image of the Parthenon in Athens. This building was for Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War. This was also an acropolis. These temples are massive and were originally made with limestone and marble, the best for the Gods and Goddesses. I love the Greek architecture because it is filled with old ruins and temples made for higher beings. I love the looks of the columns in all buildings and even the buildings that had fallen apart. The buildings resemble and fit each other without being the same. 

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