Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Potential Essay Questions

 For a five-paragraph essay, the main topic could be about the major tyrants of Ancient Greece. The first paragraph can describe what a tyrant’s role is in that society, to be a powerful leader who seizes power by appealing to the common people support. Describe how tyrants impacted the Greek society and their importance. The second paragraph can be about Draco. This paragraph can describe his ruling during 621BCE and his strict rules or laws: all Athenians ae equal under law, death is most common punishment for crimes, debt slavery is allowed. The third paragraph would be about the next tyrant Solon(594BCE) who brought reforms, which included; outlawing debt slavery, all Athenian citizens can speak at the assembly, and any citizen can press charges against wrongdoers. The fourth paragraph can be about Cleisthenes from 500BCE. Cleisthenes brought some of the most changes to Ancient Greece since he brought the first ever democracy. Some of his reforms included; All citizens could submit laws for debate at the assembly, created Council of Five Hundred( almost like a jury system by having members at random to meet and consider laws), and only free adult male property owners born in Athens were considered to be a citizen, and women, slaves, and “foreigners” aren’t citizens . The fifth paragraph is the conclusion to what a tyrant is and their impact on Greece.  

1 comment:

  1. Great topic, and you are already well on the way to organizing this into a very informative essay. Go Maddie go!
