Friday, May 15, 2020

Punic War

The Punic War was a group of three major wars for Rome. This war was the Roman Legion against Carthage from 246-146BC. The Roman legion was 5000 soldiers who were apart Romes elite infantry. Some of their common weaponry were shields, swords, daggers, armor, and tunics. One of their strong strategies was on horseback with their cavalry. The first of the three wars was from 264-241 BC. This was a battle of the navy located on the island of Sicily in which the outcome was Rome winning this battle. The Second Punic War was from 218-201 BC. In this battle, Carthages general Hannibal took control for Carthage. He attacked from from the North after crossing Iberia or Spain and the Alps. This battle was once again won by Rome. The final war of the Punic Wars was from 149-146 BC. Rome was tired of the attacks and threat of Carthage so strong leaders such as Scipio and Tiberius Gracchus helped to attack Carthage. The Romans burned the city and sold all 50,000 people left in the city to slavery. The rest of Carthage's land was annexed and taken over by Rome. This then led to millions of slaves entering Italy. The poor or common people began to lose lots of their earnings to the wealthy to pay back debt. The economics were changing due to wars. Slaves were now put to work on farms for aristocrats or the wealthy. This change benefited the wealthy, but hurt the poor.

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