Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Roman Twelve Tables

The Twelve Tables in Rome was their written law. These laws were written down in 451BC to give the Plebeians or lower class reassurance that their laws are set in writing.  The Plebeians asked for this because during this time they were just the lower class. They had little to no rights and no voice within politics. The laws written down helped ensure that they would get their voice. These laws were written on clay tablets by 10 men. They also began to have assemblies where laws were proposed, discussed, and voted upon by citizens. The main goal or idea was that all free citizens would have the right to the protection of law. The Twelve Tables gave Plebeians a voice in politics. The Patricians no longer had overall ruling, the Plebeians would assemble their consul to be their representatives. The Roman government went through many phases staring with monarchy, aristocracy, and then resembling a democracy. The noble and wealthy could no longer overrule the common people. The Twelve Tables reminds me of the United States Constitution since it sets our morals and laws for the people to follow and view. It sets a standard and makes them put into place. They both also allow for the reforms to better our country and government.

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