Monday, May 11, 2020

Rome First 8 Slides

The Etruscans were the ones to settle in Rome. They came from the north-central peninsula. There mmost common occupations were metalworkers, artists, and architects. Two myths they have that was Virgil's Aneneid where Aeneas escapes Troy and the story of Remus and Romulus. The Greeks also had a major impact on the settlement of Rome. The Greeks had colonies set up around the Mediterranean Sea where the Romans took ideas such as: religious beliefs, alphabet, art, military techniques, and weaponry. The first settlers were the Latins. The Latins are descendants of Indo- Europeans. They settled on the banks of the Tiber which was an important port for trading ships and transportation. Palatine was one of the major settlements of Rome. The Tiber was an important river in Rome. Marshy areas in between the cities were called Forums. The Cloaca Maxima was one of the largest ancient drains built into the Tiber. Tarquin (Lucius Tarquinias Superbus) the Proud's grandfather was the one to build Cloaca Maxima. Lucius Tarquinias Superbus was the seventh and final king of Rome. He was a tyrant in the old way, just a powerful leader, and the modern sense being harsh and cruel.

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