For my Rome essay, I have decided to to choose topic A.) Compare and contrast the government of ancient Rome with the government of modern-day United States. I would begin with discussing the change in Romes gov't from a tyranny, to a monarchy, aristocracy, and finally a democracy. The Romans rebelled against their tyrants because of how poorly they were treated. They then got a king who was just as bad as a tyrant, Lucius Tarquinias Superbus, who seized power. Within that family there was a lot of jealousy and violence between everybody. There was murder for power, cheating, and lies. This family was finally expelled from Rome and all agreed to never be ruled by a king again. Next came the aristocracy. This is where two consuls were elected officials. There terms in office lasted one year. The consuls were always the aristocrats, or in Rome the Patricians. The duties of these consuls involved dealing justice, making law, and commanding the army. Another interesting thing is that the consul could veto one another power. The fifth century BCE the patricians held the most power although 98% of the population was the plebeians or common people. The patricians held this power by having plebeians serve in the army, plebeians could not hold office power, the plebs were threatened with debt slavery, and they had no legal rights. These laws and code was officially written in The Law of the Twelve Tables in 450BCE. This is where the tribunes were elected as leaders. This is the next part of the essay describing the similarities in the Roman gov't. Both have a the three branches of gov't; executive, legislative, and judicial. Both also have their written legal code. The differences are what each branch and code have within. The first branch is the executive.
Rome: Untied States:
Two consuls(leaders) President and Vice President
one year term Four year term
can appoint dictator for a six month term Veto power of proposed laws
Veto power from each leader
Both: Two main leaders(just different power to each) and in charge of military
Rome: United States:
Senate of 300 aristocrats with lifelong terms Senate 100 people(two from each state)
Assemblies of 193 to later 373 members(lifelong) Six year terms
House of Representatives 435
members(2 year term)
Both: have group of Senate and large group of members to represent the people
Rome: Untied States:
Praetors Supreme Court (nine members)
Chosen by the Centuriate Assembly Lifelong terms
One year term Appointed by President, Confirmed by Senate
Legal Code
Rome -Twelve Tables Untied States- Bill of Rights
Publicly displayed in the Forum First ten amendments of the Constitution
Gave rights to plebeians(common) and rich Gives freedoms and rights to everybody
Only protected free-born male citizens
The two governments are very similar. Most of the differences between the branches are number of officers elected, their terms, and the power they have. Rome was not as fair as the United States is to the common people. In the United States everybody is given the same rights and equality. The United States is known for the freedom and diversity among the people. Rome was a little more in favor of the aristocrats who were given more power. The Romans did not settle to things they did not want. That is a lot like the United States, this country was founded on wanting Independence and a voice.
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