Monday, October 7, 2019

Test Review Day

Today in class we took time to study for our test that is tomorrow. We reviewed by going over the Time Zones and Grids PowerPoint. I like using this PowerPoint because it has all the information we need while being straight to the point.  I've been using that to help me study along with the rest of my notes. I studied this weekend and during my off mods to help me prepare for this test. I feel pretty confident about this test. I will continue to study. I am most nervous about Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) and Daylight Savings. I sometimes forget the definitions and purposes of these things. UTC is the primary standard time is the primary time standard by which they would regulate the clocks and time. Daylight savings time some temperature zone countries adjust local clocks by an hour. Now I have to go study some more and finish preparing for my test.

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