Thursday, October 31, 2019

Visualization of Lifespan and GDP throughout 200 Years

Today in class we watched a video called, Hans Rosling: 200 years in 4 minutes. This video began with showing a diagram for countries of the world with life span along the y axis and the GDP per capita along the x axis. The life span went from 25 to 75 years and the GDP per capita went from $400 to $400,000. Rosling said the the lower left corner with the low life span and low GDP is where the poor and sick are located. The rich and healthy are put into the top right corner with the higher lifespan and higher GDP. On the diagram there were multiple circles or dots to represent different countries. The larger the dot, the larger the population is. The diagram began in 1810. With almost all of the countries in the lower left with the average lifespan of the world was 40 years old and low GDP.  When it gets to the Industrial Revolution in the early 1800's, caused a spike in GDP increase and lifespan. The Industrial Revolution caused for the economy from mass production. In the early 1900's there was a major drop in lifespan and GDP because of WWI and the Spanish Flu Epidemic.

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