Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 Challenege

This whole experience of COVID-19 is shocking. This is new to everybody and it is full of unknowns. I am honestly nervous about the future and I have no idea what to expect from all this. I am hoping it ends soon, but I have a feeling it will not. The cyber school forcing students to teach themselves is one of the worst parts. It is really hard for me to focus on five or six subjects a day trying to teach myself new things in each. It makes me worry that I am able to do the work, I may not be truly retaining any of this information. I can't quite tell and that is something that worries me. I am also worried about the possibility of exams. Are exams still in place? I have no idea, but that continues to be a question I have running through my head. While at home I have stayed my honest self. I know I can do the work on my own so that is what I have done. I have kept my integrity and done my own work. This being said, I don't think this crisis is changing people into bad people. I believe that this crisis is just messing with peoples minds in a way that has never happened before. We have been stuck inside, or at least we should be, for three weeks now. People are stressing and panicking because nobody is really sure what to do or how long this could last. I can say for myself I have no idea what is to come, but I am staying hopeful that things will get better fast.

1 comment:

  1. Maddie, you touched on a lot of common themes we are all feeling: being uncertain, nervous, frustrated, worried, honest (yay!), stuck, and finally, hopeful. That pretty much sums it up! Since you wrote this blog I assume you got the word that there will be no Final Exams this year, which should come as a relief. Stay strong, keep taking it one day at a time, and we will all get through this. Enjoy your break, have a Happy Easter with your family, and we will be back next week!
