Monday, March 16, 2020

Pericles, Direct Democracy, and the Delian League

For the first portion of my paragraph, I will be discussing some facts about Pericles. Pericles was a highly valued leader in Athens from around 461-429 BC. Pericles was born into an aristocratic family. He was said to be fair, honest, a good politician, well respected all around. The Athenians called this time period a Golden Age for Athens. His three major goals was to strengthen Athenian Democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens. Pericles was very fair to all citizens. For example he allowed for any citizen of Athens to run to be in office if elected or chosen. He did not favor the wealthy or exclude the poor and he kept all citizens open to the government. This is what a direct democracy is. A direct democracy is when the citizens can be directly involved with their government like how the Athens had their voting systems or meetings in the argora with male citizens. The people were allowed to speak their opinions directly to the leaders at the time and had voting systems that majority ruled on the citizens votes. The final topic was how a Delian League worked. The Delian League was an organized group fulled of combined Greek city-states. This league was formed to somewhat untie parts of Greece to create an all powerful clan of citizens. This league was most beneficial for the money from the groups and during times of war to have one major alliance.

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