Monday, March 9, 2020

The Greeks Crucible of Civilization Part 1

Today in class we watched a video called The Greeks Crucible of Civilization, episode one.  Here are some of my notes during the video. First the video began with describing 508BC which was first revolution in Athens, Greece demanding freedom. Cleisthenes was the ruler at this time. He believed that the people should have the ability to govern themselves and have their own voice. Cleisthenes was born into a rich family meaning he is an aristocrat. Herodotus was a historian of the time. He claimed Cleisthenes grandfather helped a great king with a favor. An acropolis was an outcropping of rock in the center of the city in Athens. The life expectancy in Athens at the time was around 15 years old. The social classes were the Aristocrats as the elites and the ordinary people to be the lower class. At Cleisthenes time there were around 1,000  independent city-states. Sparta had the military power and Athens had the Naval power. Helots were the name for the normal people under the government. 
Ancient story tellers were loved by passing on the stories as oral tradition. Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey to tell about great warriors and heroes. The heroic ideal was to have the glory, greatness, bravery, strength, and to be the best version of yourself. Pisistratus was a tyrant who got power by lying saying he was summoned by Athena. He gained trust by asking the people for advice , reducing taxes, and provide free loans. The East Mediterranean was the best market for trade. This is as far as we got today. 

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