Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Wars in Greece

Today in class we began to learn about wars. The Greeks were strong warlike people. Spartans were especially warlike. Spartans were tough and had a ruthless infantry(Soldiers who fought on land). Spartans had a strong Army. Athens had a great infantry, but nothing could compare to their Navy. Athens most effective weapon was the trireme- massive, fast, agile, battle ramming ship. Next is the Phalanx- close rank, defense grouping warriors. They were armed with long spears interlocking shields. Soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they broke through their ranks.
Persian Empire vs. Greece
Persians have a huge army, and nearly unlimited resources. The Persians were massive compared to Greece. Greece had an easier advantage being able to defend their home rather than attack another land.
Greece Advantages and Disadvantages:

  • Iron weapons meant ordinary citizens could defend themselves
  • Foot soldiers(Hopilites) trained at an early age
  • Armed with spears, swords, shields
  • Phalanx formation
  • On their "home field"
  • Motivated to win to save preserve their democracy
Persian Army Advantages and Disadvantages:
  • First Archers(Does damage from a distance)
  • Calvary(Disrupt communication between generals and soldiers)
  • Lightly armored infantry
  • Carried spears, bows, sword
  • Huge numbers
  • Long way from home
  • professional Army(Mercenaries) 
Wars lasted from 546-480BC.
 546BC- Persian conquer Greece in Ionia
499-494BC- Ionian revolt(Greece wins) 
490BC- Persians war on Athens, but Athens lost
480BC- Greece win at Persia sea by help with Delian League(Greece list in the end)
The Delian League is when Athens and other city states combine and pay to be in an  alliance.

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