Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Guns, Germs, and Steel Quiz

Today we took our Guns, Germs and Steel quiz. I was super nervous to take this quiz because I feel like there was a lot I could possibly mix up the domesticated animals or the two early civilization cites. This quiz was also super stressful for me because it is one of our last grades for this semester. This grade could make or break my current grade so I am nervous to see my results. I want to do well, but I am not positive I got the potential score I wanted. I watched the entire video over again and studied my notes so I feel as if I should have done somewhat decent. By the end of this semester I am happy to say I tried my best. I gave this semester my all and I wouldn't change anything I had done. I worked super hard for my grades and I am proud of how I did. I am also thankful that my first semester is finally over. It has been a stressful one trying to keep up with my grades. I am glad it is over and I'm excited for the next semester to come.

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