Thursday, January 9, 2020

Third Day of Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today we continued to watch Guns, Germs, and Steel. Today we learned about the places where farming and plant domestication started. First the Middle East had wheat and barley, then China had rice, the Americas had corn, squash, and beans. Finally Africa had Sorghum, millet, and yams. Most places who were able to start farming early ended up advanced, but this was not the case for every place. Papua New Guinea has been farming for many, many years , but still seem to be set back in time without advances. Papua New Guinea has food like bananas, sago, and even spiders. More productive crops can make more productive people. Advance places are the ones that have productive food which means it can be stores and savored for a long amount of time. They don't have to finishing it real quick so they don't have to waste it. Another thing is that most of these foods can grow quickly to be replenished. This is apart of Geographic Luck. That is what can determine the success of a location, its location.

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