Monday, January 27, 2020

Quiz Review Day

Today we began to review for our quiz on Wednesday. A few questions that will possibly be on the quiz would be:

Cultural Diffusion- mixing or trading ideas or beliefs to different cultures
Fertile Crescent- A region between two rivers with extreme fertile land
Mesopotamia- Land between rivers
Polytheism- The belief in multiple gods
Irrigation- diverting water from its main source for agricultural purposes
Cuneiform- One of the earliest forms of writing found in Mesopotamia
Dynasty- Series of rulers often form the same family
Ziggurat- Sumerian temple built on top of a mountain for the gods
Modern day countries found at the fertile crescent- Iraq, Syria, Turkey
Neolithic Era (New Stone Age)- Advanced for its time with improved technology and advancements with stone, tools and tech
Paleolithic Era- Old Stone Age
City State- A political state or area arranged by its own government
Gilgamesh- Part of an old story telling of a great flood like in the Bible with a story of Moses
Hammurabi's Code- 282 Set laws made by the King Hammurabi, one of the earliest set of laws and earliest seen engraved in stone for everybody to see
Silt- Soil left behind after flood water recedes

Bonus: On which river was a US Military base attacked? The Tigris.
This was as far as we got in today's class. 

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