Friday, February 14, 2020

Allegory of the Cave Video

Today we watched a video on the Allegory of the Cave by Plato. I like this story because I feel like it can have multiple deeper meanings. Here are some notes I took from this video:
Plato had lived from around 423-347 B.C. Plato said that philosophy is the "therapy of the soul". Another key piece of philosophy that was a concern for Plato was his idea to compare the effect of education and the lack of it on our nature. In the allegory the cave goers thought if you watched the shadows on the you would be educated, enlightened and successful.The man who got out of the cave previously looked at phantoms while in the cave, but once he got out he saw the true being of nature. A thought is that the cave dwellers are humans before philosophy and the sun is the light of reason. The alienation of the returned philosopher is what all truth tellers can expect. Finally the video discussed the "Socratic Method". That is done by questioning things without being forced to believe one side compared to another. It makes you find your own beliefs through questions and gets people to think.

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