Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Final Review of Greece

Today we finished studying for Greece with talking about Cleisthenes and democracy. Cleisthenes was a member of elite, very rich, insulated from the "hoi polloi" or the lower class. He was also a very smart politician. Only 1/5th of Athenians were citizens. Athens became a direct democracy around 500 BC. A Direct Democracy is when a state, or in this case city-state, is ruled by citizens. Rules is based on citizenship and majority rule decides vote. The politics were discussed at the agora. This is where citizens argued, made speeches, and voted with stones. White being yes and black being no. This then described the first democracy around 508 BC.
Those were all my notes, but I am so nervous for the test tomorrow. I am not quite sure why, but the geography scares me along with the rulers. I am not good with time frames so I am nervous to mix the time frames up or forget what happened in each time.

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