Monday, February 10, 2020

Greek Questions

1.) Write each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.

  • Mycenaean- These were the settlers on the Greek mainland around 2000 BC. named after their leading city Mycenae. 
  • Trojan War-A war during the 1200's BC, the Mycenaean's fought a ten year war against Troy, located in Anatolia. 
  • Dorian- The new group of people that took over and moved into the countryside . They spoke a dialect if Greek and were possibly distant relatives of the Bronze Age Greeks. 
  • Homer-A blind storyteller who was extremely famous for his stories
  • Epic- Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
  • Myth- A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society
3.) What Impact did nearness to the sea have on the development of Greece?

The nearness to the sea allowed for trade, transportation, and the little agriculture Greece had. The sea allowed for trading between cities for the resources did not have like the lack of food since the geography was rocky, rough, and mountainous. The transportation allowed for this trading and traveling on water and in the sea. The water helped to grow little crops although the geography was not fitting. 

4.) What aspects of culture did the Mycenaean's adopt from the Minoans?

The Mycenaean's adopted many parts of culture from the Minoans such as the writing style, Greek language, pottery or art with Minoan designs, Greek religion practice, art, politics, and literature. 

5.) Why were the epics of importance to the Greeks of the Dorian period? 
The epics were important during the Dorian periods since there were little to no written records of the Dorian period. They gave the archaeologist an idea of the events at the time and their beliefs. It showed the idea of arete which is the virtue and excellence. This is also because the Dorian's collapsed from being less advanced from the Mycenaean's. 

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