Monday, February 3, 2020

Egyptian Culture and More

Egyptian Culture:
Egyptians believed that souls which were lighter than a feather passed as purity and would then have eternal life. Other wise the heavier souls would be eaten by a demonic monster. Royal and elite Egyptians were buried and mummified. This is the process of embalming and drying the corpse to prevent it from decaying. The bodies were then placed into a coffin within a tomb to live on there. Many civilians brought offerings and gifts to these tombs such as;clothing, food, cosmetics, jewelry, and hymns from The Book of the Dead. These tombs were most of built by the peasants.
Life in Egyptian Societies:
The socials pyramid began with the royalty( kings and queens) on top. Next came the upper class which consisted of wealthy merchants, government officials, priests, and army commanders. After that came the middle class with merchants and artisans. Finally there were the lower class with peasants, farmers, and laborers. The slaves could earn freedom from loyal service, marriage, and success in jobs. Highest positions needed to read and write to gain opportunities. Women and men also shared equal rights.
Egyptian Writing:
The Egyptians early form of writing was their Hieroglyphics. That means "sacred carving" or having pictures stand for an idea. Overtime these pictures also stood for sounds like letters. They wrote on papyrus which was a split reed that was crafted to end up like paper.
Egyptian Science and Technology:
Most inventions were driven from simple needs like a calendar to help predict and track flood season, numbers for counting and money, architects for building (homes, stone columns, temples, pyramids), and medicine to cure the sick with surgery and checkups.
Invaders Control Egypt:
The Old Kingdom ended due to the power of pharaohs declining( 2180B.C.) Strong pharaohs then regained control in 2040-1640 B.C. as a mark of the Middle Kingdom. These strong pharaohs restored law, order, trade, and transport. Finally in 1640B.C. Hyksos from Palestine invaded and ruled Egypt from 1630-1523B.C. This was not the end, for Egypt would soon rise again.

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