Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Egyptian Pop Quiz

Today we began class with a student having to finish a test. I am not too happy with the grade I got on my Mesopotamia quiz. I wish I could have done better since I had felt that I did much better. I think I could have studied more to get a better grade, but this past two weeks have been a little strange. I have gotten so busy recently that I forget about tests or quizzes. I also often end up mixing up days that I have tests or quizzes on. This past quarter was quite hard for me so I am coming into this quarter with a new perspective hoping to do my best. I am also pretty tired today. I couldn't fall asleep yesterday for some reason, but I did eat a good breakfast so that is making the day better. Next we had a pop quiz. My heart dropped when he said it, but I feel confident in my answers. I think I did alright. The only thing that gets me is that there are so little questions that if I get one wrong my grade will drop significantly.
Early Writing:
Created in 3100 B.C. was hieroglyphics. This was pictures that symbolize words, sounds, and phrases. Hieroglyphics was written in ink on papyrus made from mashed Nile reeds.
The Egyptians were some of the most inventive groups of people. They created a 12 month long calendar with 365 days. This invention gave them better sense of seasonal cycles. Advancements in medicinal purposes like potions and cures for a number of ailments. They had an excessive amount knowledge of anatomy for checkups. They also created wooden sailboats for increased transportation on the Nile.
 The pyramids are the massive stone tombs originally covered with marble. The temple of Amon at Karnak was the largest religious building in the world. Stone sculptures and interior depicted humans and gods.

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