Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Start of Review for Greece Quiz

Here are some of the main study points for our Greece quiz on Thursday.
Five major rivers
China- Huang He River
India- Indus River
Mesopotamia- Tigris and Euphrates River
Egypt- Nile River
 Geography of Greece:
Greece is mountainous and rocky causing for little arable(farming) land and rough land to cross. There were limited resources causing the Greeks needing to sail for trade or travel route. This was due to the peninsula of Greece. Greece was full of city-states. Greeks diet consisted of grains, grapes, olives, and fish. They had good climate for outdoor life and activity.
Mycenaean- 2000BC, they dominated Greece Peloponnese for 200 years
Mionian- 1200BC, absorbed culture from Mycenaean
Dorians- 1150-750BC, final people to take over war torn city, no written record, economy, culture and trade collapsed
Homer- The Homeric Question "Did he truly exist or was he just another blind story teller
His story the Odyssey is about a man trying to find his way back home. The Iliad was about the Trojan War.
Polis- City-state surrounded around politics unit
Monarchy- Ruled by a single person (king)
Aristocracy- Rule by group of small, noble, rich families
Oligarchy- Wealthy group trying to gain power with the help of military
Aristocrats- Members of the ruling class
Symposium- Meeting or gathering where politics were discussed

Draco- 621 BC, Harsh, all classes were equal, death was punishment for all crimes
Solon- 594 BC, Reform to make life easier/better for citizens, outlaw debt slavery
Cleisthenes- 500 BC, More reforms and involving citizens more to become closer to a democracy(Council of Five Hundred)
Hippias-Tyrants from 527-510 BC, eventually expelled from Athens( later ostracized), after his brother was murdered he turned evil, revenge began as he worked with Persian king Darius I, helping them to invade Marathon
Isagoras and Cleisthenes(both ostracized) . Isagoras has support from support from aristocrats and Sparta while Cleisthenes had majority support from Athens.
Isagoras became Archon Eponymous (tyrant), ostracized Cleisthenes, Cleisthenes( Athenians) revolted around against Isagoas was trapped and fled. He then took over from 508 BC(First Democracy)

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