Friday, February 21, 2020

Pericles in Athens

Today in class we began with a pop quiz. This quiz sacred me when it was brought up. I was super nervous because I was not confident, but I got a good score on the quiz. We then took some notes on Pericles. Pericles was liked by the people and was in charge for around 32 years. He had three major goals for Athens. The three goals were to beautify Athens, make a stronger government, and strengthen the empire. He spent lots of money to strengthen the Athens navy for trade and military purposes. He had many artists and architects to beautify the city. He had bought things like ivory, stone and marble to build magnificent statues and buildings like the Parthenon built for the goddess Athena. Pericles had made a strong government by having the people run the government without representatives and having any male citizen join the government. Both rich or poor could work with the government and have a word. This made a stronger government for Athens and gained power over other cities. I think Pericles sounds like a great leader for Athens and was willing to work with the people for the first sign of the democracy. The final notes I took was beginning to read about the wars with surrounding cities starting with Sparta.

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