Monday, November 4, 2019

CIA Reflecting Our Studies

  • My first fact is that Brazil has a Total Fertility Rate of 1.75 children per woman. This shows that the population will be decreasing for Brazil. We know this because the rate for a country to stay stable in population is 2.1 children per woman. If higher than that the population would grow and if lower the population will decrease. The population will be slowly decreasing over time. 
  • The GDP per capita in Iraq is $16,700. This show can show how poor a country and their people are. This is a low average. This fact is so interesting to me because the GDP per capita in the United States is $59,800. This is such a major difference and to some citizens in the United States we may think that only $16,700 would be extremely difficult to live off of. This could be a major reason people emigrate from this country to a place where they could have better economic opportunities. 
  • Another important fact is that the Net Migration Rate of Lebanon is -40.30 . This is a major fact because it shows how many people are leaving this country per 1,000 people compared to people entering. This fact shows that this is a country with more people leaving than entering. This fact also shows that this country has many push factors and does not have many opportunities compared to a place like the United States with a Net Migration rate of 3.80 immigrants for every 1,000 people. 
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo has a Health Expenditure is 403% which is incredible. This is a massive percentage and will strongly benefit this country. This will help improve the countries population and increase the life expectancy if the can improve their health resources. The stronger these get and more the improve the longer their citizens can live. 
  • The Net Migration Rate of South Korea is 0%. This means that nobody is entering or leaving the country in a year. This country is extremely controlled and monitored so nobody is entering nor leaving.  
  • After looking at the population pyramid of Barbados the population will slowly decrease. This can be determined because the middle section of the pyramid is the longest while the bottom is shorter. This means that the population will most likely stay stable. 
  • The population pyramid of Pakistan shows that the population will grow rapidly. This population will grow rapidly because the base is extremely long while the higher or older ages length decreases. More younger people are in Pakistan compared to the older ages. 
  • The population in Singapore is growing at a quick pace. You can tell this because the middle section of of this population pyramid is the widest. This means that the population is growing but not at a rapid speed. 
  • South Korea's population pyramid shows that the population is decreasing. The top of the pyramid is the widest and it narrows down as it gets lower. This means that there is more older people than younger people to reproduce. 
  • Aruba has a stable population. The widest part of the population is the widest in the middle of the pyramid. This means that the majority of the population are adults who can reproduce. There is not an extreme amount of children to grow up and not an extreme amount of elders who are passing away. This population is stable and large. This is a dense population. 

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