Monday, November 18, 2019

Test Day!

Today in class we took a test on Population and Settlement. I studied lots over the weekend to help me prepare for this test. After taking it, I felt that it was easy and I feel confident on my answers. I am hoping I did well to boost my grade up. I do not think I was able to get a perfect score, but I am hoping I was able to get an A. For me, taking tests are the worst thing. They cause lots of stress and have a major impact on your grade whether you do good or bad. I always put my best effort in, but sometimes it still doesn't work out. Tests are a big deal and I hope I can do well on mine. This unit was easy for me. I felt I was able to grasp the vocabulary and information better than some of the past units. I am ready to move on and begin to learn about different things now. Now my next biggest concern is our exams in December. Those will be the scariest for me.

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