Friday, November 22, 2019

Five Major Religions

Today in class we went over the last two of the major religions which were Buddhism and Judaism. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world with 500 million- 1.5 billion followers. Most of its geographic location is southeast Asia, China, Nepal, Japan and the United States. The founder was Siddhartha Gautama. Their major beliefs are the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path. Judaism has 14-18 million followers being the ninth largest religion. The founder was Abraham and their geographic location is Israel and the United States. Their holy book was the Torah and their beliefs consisted of ethical monotheism meaning God is one, and concerned with the actions of humankind. They also believed in the Ten Commandments. Although Judaism is not in the top five religions, it had major roles in influencing other religions in major ways. Those were the top five major religions in the world.

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