Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Exam Review Day

Today in class we began to review for our exam in December. We answered around 37 questions from our exam. I felt comfortable with these questions that were asked. The questions asked about things like Total Fertility Rate, Rate of Natural Increase,  Crude Birth and Death Rate, Population, Life Expectancy. Life expectancy is the average number of year a person or group has lived born in the same year. The number of people being born per 1,000 is Crude Birth Rate and the number of people dying per 1,000 of a population is Crude Death Rate. By subtracting the Crude Birth Rate from the Crude Death Rate you get the Rate of Natural Increase. The Total Fertility Rate is the average number of children being born per woman. For a country to have a stable population the TFR has to be 2.1 children born per woman. Above 2.1 increases the population and below 2.1 the population is decreasing. When more people are entering a country (immigrant) than leaving (emigrant)  the Net Migration Rate would be positive and the opposite. The population of the world is around 7.6 billion people and in the United States the population is around 326 million people. The world first hit 1 billion people in 1804. The final fact is that women tend to live longer than men for a few reasons such as women tend to take better care of themselves and women don't do as many risky things or jobs.

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